Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Student Handbook

Student Development and Student Services

The Student Development and Campus Life Division designs campus life programming through the Wellness Model. This model focuses attention on meeting students’ basic needs and interests while providing developmental and entertaining activities outside the classroom.

The underlying philosophy and approach at the College is to provide quality services to the student and to offer diversified activities and opportunities for student development that contribute to a positive campus and community environment.

Athletics and Recreation

York College’s athletic and recreation programs are designed to supplement academic experiences by providing opportunities for all students to participate or witness intercollegiate or intramural competitions. The program is consciously geared to student interests and needs. Care is exercised to avoid detracting from students’ academic pursuits but rather to enhance overall achievement by supplying outlets for healthy physical and emotional expression.

More information on Athletics and Recreation  

Career Development

Unlock your purpose and potential with personalized career guidance. Our dedicated career advising staff listen to and understand your aspirations, strengths, and interests, providing tailored support to help you navigate your unique career path. Your connection with our Career Development program extends beyond graduation — lifelong access to career services ensures that you have ongoing support and resources throughout your professional journey. Your career starts here, and we’re committed to guiding you every step of the way. 

Location: Campell Hall, Room 200

Hours of Operation: 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday-Friday, Wednesdays until 6:00pm

Contact: (717) 815-1452,

Counseling Services

York College Counseling Services advances the overall wellness of students through free confidential individual and group counseling sessions, educational programming, and consultation.

Location: Codorus Hall, Suite 100

Hours of Operation: Academic Year: 8:30am -­ 5:00pm, Monday­-Friday.

Contact: (717) 815­-6437,

Confidentiality: Counseling Services are confidential and in accordance with The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, HIPAA, and FERPA. Information will be released ONLY with a student’s written permission or if a student’s condition indicates serious and foreseeable harm to self or others.

In-person Care

Appointments: Students can schedule an appointment by calling our office during normal business hours.
Emergencies: For after-hours emergency or crisis situations, please call Campus Safety for assistance at (717) 815-1314 or call WellSpan Crisis Services at (717) 851-5320.

Virtual Care

TimelyCare: A free 24/7 virtual health and well-being platform for full-time undergraduate students. For more information, please visit our website.
Services available:

  • TalkNow - 24/7, on-demand emotional support
  • MedicalNow - 24/7, on-demand medical care
  • Scheduled Counseling - Select the day, time, and mental health provider of your choice
  • Scheduled Medical - Select the day, time, and medical provider of your choice
  • Health Coaching - Support for developing healthy behaviors
  • Psychiatry – Appointments available upon referral by York College Counseling Services
  • Self-Care Content - Yoga and meditation sessions and group conversations with our providers on a variety of health and well-being topics

Dining Services

Location: Student Union, Main Level

Hours of Operation: Hours of operation

Contact: 717.815.1268

York College Dining Services works closely with the Student Development and Campus Life Division to offer meals which will be both enjoyable and economical to students. Various special dinners are planned throughout the year and many campus organizations plan their program refreshments through Dining Services.

A variety of meal plans that were designed to meet your specific needs are available for use in the Johnson Dining Hall and West Campus Dining Hall. Most Meal Plans come with Dining Points that can be used in any of the on campus dining locations including Sparts Den, Appell Café and Create.  Dining Points are used like a debit card and are subtracted from your balance everytime you make a purchase using your student ID card.   


Dining locations, hours, and menus can be found online at


Members of the community with specific dietary needs should contact Chartwells Food Services directly by visiting the dining hall or calling 717.815.1268.

Health Services

Location: Student Union, lower level, suite 116

Hours of Operation: The Health Center is open during the fall and spring semester. (Hours are subject to change and the Health Center should be contacted to verify hours at 717-849-1615) Monday–Friday: 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Contact: (717) 849-1615 or Ext. 1615

Eligibility - All registered students are eligible to use the Health Center. Students are required to have on file in the Health Center a current medical record and immunization history completed by a physician or advanced practitioner. When a student is readmitted, after a leave of absence from the College, he/she must update their health record or submit a new medical record and immunization history.

Staff - The Health Center is staffed by one part-time College physician, a Physician Assistant and registered nurses. Please call the Health Center for specific hours. Allergy injections will only be given when a medical provider is on site in the Health Center.

Confidentiality: All discussions, examinations, and everything that transpires in the Health Center are held in strict confidence. The student’s written permission is necessary before information may be released to anyone not directly involved with the care.

Fees: There is no charge for visits to the Health Center; however, there will be fees for special health-related services such as injections, lab fees, health tests, physicals, and medications. Students are financially responsible for prescriptions, x-rays, laboratory studies, and referrals to off-campus facilities. All students are expected to have accident and health insurance.

Excuse Policy: The Health Center staff will verify your visit; however, they will not provide written excuses for missed classes. Please email your professor(s) and our office at to notify them of your absence. Health Services will only verify that you have been seen and will not disclose your diagnosis or reason for visit. Resident students are to report all illnesses and accidents occurring after hours to the Residence Life staff or the Department of Campus Safety. A student confined in the residence hall more than 48 hours is expected to make arrangements to be taken home or evaluated at a local hospital.

Communicable Diseases and Life / Threatening Illness: Policies protecting the College community from communicable diseases include requiring proof of immunization against rubella, rubeola, mumps, varicella, Tdap (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), hepatitis B, meningitis, and the absence of tuberculosis. The College reserves the right to deny access to the campus to anyone when they are judged to be actively contagious with a serious disease. Each case is judged individually.

York College recognizes that students with life-threatening illnesses or serious infectious diseases may wish to continue to engage in as many of their normal pursuits as their condition allows, including academic pursuits.

As long as these students are able to meet acceptable performance standards, and medical evidence indicates that their condition is not a threat to themselves or others, the College will be sensitive to their condition and ensure that they are treated consistently with other students. Practitioners are on site in the Health Center.

In order to help the College ensure the safety and well-being of an individual student and the College community as a whole, students are encouraged to report cases of life-threatening illness or serious infectious diseases to the Director of Health Services. The Director of Health Services will act in accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, recommendations from the York City Health Bureau, the State Health Center, and the guidelines of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (1974) when developing a plan of support for the student. This ensures that the student’s condition does not present a health or safety threat to others.

Student Diversity and Inclusion

Location: Robert V. Student Union, Lower Level, Suite 101

Hours of Operation: 8:30am - 5pm Monday–Friday

Contact: (717) 815-1916 or

The Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion (SDI) provides educational and social programs to serve our growing diverse student population while creating an inclusive campus environment and fostering a sense of belonging for all students. SDI oversees diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on campus; including the Bias Reporting System. The office also oversees International Student Support, the Spartan Pantry, and the Office of Spiritual Life; including the Doris and Bernard Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life.


Behavior or actions that go against the College’s principles of community, or display themes of hate, bigotry, bias, and discrimination, are not welcome at York College of Pennsylvania. Bias incidents can be reported online through the Bias Reporting web page.


SDI works to enhance the academic and cultural experience of international students while maintaining their nonimmigrant status in the U.S. We provide the highest level of knowledge and expertise in advising, immigration regulations, and advocacy.


The Spartan Pantry is available to any enrolled student who is experiencing food or basic needs insecurity. We offer non-perishable easy meal essentials, quick microwaveable meals “on the go,” and personal care and hygiene products. Appointments can be scheduled online through the Spartan Pantry Google calendar.

Office of Spiritual Life

Location: Student Union, Lower Level, offices 124 & 125

Hours of Operation: 9:30am - 4pm Tuesdays & Thursdays

Contact: (717) 815-1446 or

The Office of Spiritual Life hosts interfaith programs to grow understanding and respect among people of all faiths. We focus on helping students consider the spiritual dimensions of life, supporting their exercise of religious practices, and providing convenient access to spiritual guidance and worship through partnerships with the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and Temple Beth Israel Synagogue.



Location: Robert V. Iosue Student Union, lower level, Rm 139

Hours: 7 am to 12 am, Monday – Friday

Contact: (717) 815-1916 or

The Prayer Room (Musalla) provides a clean, quiet, and respectful space for students, faculty, and staff to answer the call of prayer in a convenient location without having to return to their residence in between classes or work.



Location: Doris and Bernard Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life, 253 W. Springettsbury Ave.

Hours of Operation: 8:30 am – 5 pm, Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Tuesdays & Thursdays, SU 101)

Contact: (717) 815-2041, 

The Doris and Bernard Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community at York College.  The Center is home to Hillel and the Gordon Leadership Scholarship program and serves as a gathering place for all students, faculty, and staff to learn and celebrate Jewish traditions and culture as a community in a relaxed atmosphere.

Residence Life

Location: Student Union, 2nd Floor, Suite 307

Hours of Operation: 8:30am - 5pm, Monday-Friday

Contact: (717) 815-1281

The Office of Residence Life seeks to provide a comfortable living environment with an atmosphere that is conducive to academic success, individual growth, and group interaction and development. Living on the York College campus is a privilege and learning experience.

Our primary goal is to assist in creating a living-learning experience for all residents in our community. The atmosphere in a residence hall/suite/apartment complex can enrich student growth and development, and can play a positive role in a student’s total educational experience. The Office of Residence Life helps to promote acceptable standards of living, community responsibility, and group interaction within the various residential facilities on the York College campus.

Additional Residence Life Information  

Residence Life & Living on Campus  

Student Activities and Orientation

Location: Student Union, main level, suite 205

Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday     8:30am - 8pm

                                   Friday                        8:30am - 6pm

Contact: (717) 815-1239

The Office of Student Activities and Orientation strives to be an office that creates a safe and caring environment committed to enhancing students’ overall growth through a variety of opportunities and experiences. The Office creates opportunities for student participation and leadership in over 100 clubs and organizations, Greek Life, Volunteer Opportunities, York College Student Senate, Campus Activities Board (CAB), Leadership programs, and service as Orientation Leaders.

Partnering with students and student organizations, we plan and implement both small-scale and campus-wide programs for sub-populations of the campus and for the entire student body. From comedians to Greek Week to leadership sessions to Relay for Life—these collaborative efforts of students and professionals is intentional towards contributing to the liberal arts mission of the College. We are proud to say that there is always something to do at York College! Please visit the Office to see what YCP has to offer and how you can get involved. And in the rare instance you don’t find something in which to invest your time, we’ll show you how to start your own club!

Student Clubs and Organizations   

Student Union

The Student Union serves as one of the many places on campus for members of the campus community to gather for a variety of functions and/or social interactions. The Student Union houses lounges, study areas, meeting rooms, a snack bar and dining hall, the Chaplain’s Office, the Student Senate, the Office of Student Activities and Orientation, Counseling Services, the College Bookstore, the Health Center, Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming, Religious Activities, Residence Life and the College radio station WVYC, and the Spartan Newspaper. The building is available for use by all members of the College community, seven days per week, when the College is in session.

Wellness Programming

The Student Development and Campus Life’s Wellness Initiatives Task Force recognizes the importance of a holistic, balanced lifestyle. Wellness programming offered through the College ensures students the opportunity to develop intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually, culturally, emotionally and professionally through a comprehensive program of co-curricular activities. Campus programming offered specifically through our wellness model is delineated on the Student Development and Campus Life’s web pages of the College website.