Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Student Handbook

Campus Safety: A Shared Responsibility

The Department of Campus Safety

The Department of Campus Safety is an internationally accredited public safety agency accredited by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). The Campus Safety office is located in Manor Northeast. The Department operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is comprised of professional sworn campus safety police officers, an office manager and an administrative assistant, part-time student security officers, parking enforcement officers, shuttle drivers, dispatchers, and the campus locksmith. The professional campus safety police officers have law enforcement authority while on and adjacent to College property. They are trained under PA Act 235 and complete an extensive initial training program, attend municipal police update classes, bi-annual firearms training/qualification, and complete many other in-service training programs. The student security officers complete a training program in safety and security matters. All student security officers, while in the performance of their duties, are considered College “officials”.

Hours of Operation- The Department of Campus Safety maintains office hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Safety patrols occur 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.

Contact- For emergency assistance on campus, please call the Department of Campus Safety at (717) 815-1314 (ext. 1314 if calling from an on-campus phone), and for non-emergency assistance, please call (717) 815-1403 (ext. 1403 if calling from an on-campus phone). For emergency assistance off campus, please call 911. To discuss safety issues contact the Director of Campus Safety, Manor Northeast, (717) 815-1403.

Historically, York College has experienced a low rate of crime. Unfortunately, there are always some incidents that occur during the year. During the course of the school year, the Department of Campus Safety will be publishing safety tips as well as sponsoring programs on safety and security awareness, self-defense, and other crime prevention-related topics. Please look for these programs advertised on the College website and portal.

Surrounding Community- All York College students are encouraged to use good judgment with regard to their personal safety and security while on campus and in the community. Students should become familiar with the surrounding neighborhood and use the “buddy system” where appropriate. Students who live in or visit the York College neighborhood area are reminded to be respectful of the community. Disorderly conduct, underage drinking, or inappropriate behavior will be addressed by the York City Police or the Spring Garden Township Police. No “warnings” will be given and all will be treated as a citizens and responsible for such laws. The York College Department of Campus Safety staff plans and works for a safe environment for our students and encourages all to cooperate in realizing this goal. 

Sex Offender Registration- In accordance with Pennsylvania State Law, known sex offenders must register in the community in which they reside. York College requires that students also register with the Department of Campus Safety on campus. Failure to register may result in immediate expulsion from the College. York College reserves the right to dismiss a student if it is deemed necessary in the interests of public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

Incident Reports

Students involved in an incident on campus may request a copy of a York College Campus Safety incident report. However, the College holds the right to deny copies of any incident report, as York College is a private institution, and reports generated by the Department of Campus Safety are not public records. In certain cases, the Department may honor requests for copies of reports made by students who are directly affected by the incident. Investigation status, student conduct process status, confidentiality, and compliance with appropriate laws and regulations will be considered when requests for reports are submitted. Written requests for copies of incident reports can be made in the Campus Safety Office. All reports must be picked up in person, in the Campus Safety office, by the requesting party with proper photo ID.

Child Abuse Reporting Policy

All faculty, staff, administrators, student health employees, members of the Campus Safety Department, and any individual who may come into contact with children through any college-sponsored program, activity, camp, conference, retreat, academic presentation, or any other college programs are required to report incidents of child abuse when they have witnessed and/or have reasonable cause to suspect that a child (under 18 years old) under the care, supervision, guidance or training of any adult on our campus is being or has been abused. If your responsibility is not listed above, but you come into contact with children in the course of your employment, you have a mandatory reporting obligation. Students, guests, and other members of the College community are strongly encouraged to follow the same procedures.

Make a report as soon as possible utilizing the following procedure:

  • First, immediately report the matter to the York College Department of Campus Safety at (717) 815-1314 and the Director of Campus Safety at Campus Safety is available 24 hours daily. Upon receipt of a report, the Campus Safety Department must immediately notify the Campus Safety Director, or in his or her absence, his designee.
  • Employees must also inform their immediate supervisor. An initial oral report to your supervisor is acceptable, but written details should be supplied upon request. For athletic staff, reports must also be made to the Director of Athletics.
  • College employees, who are also registered medical professionals, must concurrently report all injuries caused by suspected child abuse to the local or state police.
  • The Director of Campus Safety or his/her designee within the Campus Safety Department is responsible and has the obligation to report suspected child abuse to the Department of Public Welfare. Reports must be made orally, and immediately, to the Department of Public Welfare’s ChildLine at (800) 932-0313. The Director of Campus Safety shall notify the reporting employee that the report was made after making the initial oral report to ChildLine. Within 48 hours of reporting to ChildLine, the Director of Campus Safety, or his/her designee in the Campus Safety Department, must make a written report on forms provided by the Department of Public Welfare (Report of Suspected Child Abuse [CY-47] to the county Children and Youth Agency in the county where the suspected child abuse occurred. The Director of Campus Safety shall maintain records of all reports made under this Policy. In cases where the Director of Campus Safety cannot or is not involved, the Vice President of Campus Operations shall be the designated person for purposes of the reporting and record-keeping obligations hereunder.
  • Any person who makes a good faith report of child abuse may not be subjected to retaliation in employment.

There are four categories of child abuse covered under the law:

  • Any recent act or failure to act by a perpetrator that causes non-accidental serious physical injury to a child.
  • An act or failure to act by a perpetrator that causes non-accidental serious mental injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child.
  • Any recent act, failure to act, or series of such acts or failures to act by a perpetrator that creates an imminent risk of serious physical injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.
  • Serious physical neglect by a perpetrator constituting a prolonged or repeated lack of supervision or the failure to provide the essentials of life, including adequate medical care, which endangers a child’s life or development or impairs the child’s functioning.
  • No child shall be deemed physically or mentally abused based on injuries that result solely from environmental factors that are beyond the control of the parent or person responsible for the child’s welfare, such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing, and medical care.

Clery Act

The York College Clery Act and Title IX Compliance Committee are responsible for preparing and distributing the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act and Act 73, the Pennsylvania College and University Security Information Act. Its purpose is to make public certain reported campus crimes and fires for the previous three years and certain campus security and fire safety policy statements. The crime statistics in this report include those reported to the Department of Campus Safety, designated campus officials (including but not limited to Directors, Deans, designated Residence Life staff, Student Affairs, advisors to student organizations, and athletic coaches), and local law enforcement agencies. Certain crimes occurring on property owned or controlled by the College are included with this report, as well as crimes occurring on certain public property that is immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

We encourage members of the York College community to use this report as a guide for safe practices on and off campus. It is available on the Web at Each member of the College community receives an email each year advising them of the availability of the report, a description of the report, and the Web address where it can be located. For a paper copy of the report, visit the Department of Campus Safety in Manor Northeast or call (717) 815-1403.

Timely Warning

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the College Administration constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to the community, a campus-wide “timely warning” notice will be issued. Warning notices will be transmitted by email. They will also be posted on the MyYCP portal under “Campus Announcements.” An agreement exists with local authorities to notify the campus of crimes or other events reported to them that may warrant a timely warning notice. If circumstances arise that pose an imminent threat to the campus community, the College will activate the appropriate part, or all parts, of the Emergency Alert System which includes a siren and electronic phone/email/text messaging systems.

College and Personal Property

The College shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any loss of personal property. Students are advised to provide for loss through their own personal or family insurance coverage and to register all valuables with Campus Safety. Students are held personally liable for damage or destruction of College property, whether willful or accidental. Tampering with fire equipment is a violation of state regulations and is subject to civil action as well as College discipline.

Skateboard/Stunt Bike/Inline Skating/Policy

All individuals operating bicycles, skates, and skateboards on campus are expected to use the equipment in a manner that is appropriate, and considerate of others and of College property. Skateboarders, Skaters, and bicyclists will also yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians.

Individuals are prohibited from skating or skateboarding in campus roadways and from engaging in tricks (sliding, grinding, ramp building, jumps, etc.) anywhere on College grounds that involve any College property (i.e., roadways, stairs, steps, railings, benches, tables, entrances to buildings, etc.). York College will not be held accountable for injuries sustained on campus properties as a result of these actions; however, first aid for injuries should be sought immediately and the incident reported to Campus Safety promptly.

The use of bicycles on College roadways is subject to the same policies and laws regarding the operation of a motorized vehicle under the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code (Title 75).

Bicycles must be registered with the Department of Campus Safety and secured on available bike racks throughout campus. Individuals are not permitted to secure bicycles to any campus structure (railing, light post, tree, etc.). Unregistered bicycles or bicycles found secured to any campus structure other than designated bike racks, will be subject to confiscation by the Department of Campus Safety. Locks and chains may need to be removed and fines may apply.

Use of bicycles, skates, and skateboards inside of campus buildings, including residence halls, is strictly prohibited.

It is recommended that the operator of bicycles, skates, and skateboards wear the appropriate manufactured-suggested safety equipment while using the equipment on campus.

Individuals who use the equipment recklessly or without care of others on College property may be subject to disciplinary action through the Student Conduct process.

Hoverboards are strictly prohibited on campus. 

Parking and Traffic Enforcement

The Department of Campus Safety is responsible for enforcing parking and traffic regulations on all College property. In addition to College policies, all traffic and parking regulations regulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania apply and are enforced on campus.

Parking on Campus

Parking on campus is by permit only. Permits must be displayed on vehicles parked on campus at all times and any day of the week. Permits can be purchased through My Parking, accessible via the My Apps portal. Commuter permits will be mailed to the home address on file with the College until Monday, September 2. After that date, permits must be picked up at the Campus Safety office. Resident permits will be placed in on-campus mailboxes until the day before move-in day. Permits purchased after Wednesday, August 21, must be picked up at the Campus Safety office.

All campus parking lots are designated for specific users. Parking regulations and a parking map are available online, and it is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to obtain, read, and comply with these regulations.

Traffic Enforcement

York College Campus Safety Officers are authorized by the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code (Title 75) to regulate and enforce all campus traffic rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to comply with all Commonwealth of Pennsylvania traffic regulations, including licensing, registration, financial responsibility (insurance), traffic control devices, and vehicle operation.

It is the responsibility of the driver to observe signage on all campus roadways and in all campus parking lots.

Parking and Traffic Citations

York College traffic and parking policies must be observed at all times, including during class registration periods, exam and reading days, holidays, college breaks, and during periods of inclement weather. Failure to comply with the traffic and parking regulations constitutes a violation subject to traffic or parking fines (by means of a citation) and/or referral to the Office of Student Conduct.


An appeal of traffic or parking citations may submitted only after the fine has been paid with the Business Office. The citation being appealed must be paid within ten (10) business days from the date that the citation was issued. Any appeal received after the ten business day limit will NOT be considered.

Appeals may be submitted on forms obtained from the Campus Safety office after proof of payment has been confirmed. The appeal form must be returned to the Campus Safety office within ten (10) business days from the date that the citation was issued. Any appeal received after the ten working day limit will NOT be considered.

The appellant should set forth his or her reasons for contesting the citation on the appeal form. Any supporting documentation or evidence (such as photographs, medical documentation, auto repair receipts, etc.) may be attached to further substantiate claims.

Appeals are reviewed and resolved by the Student Senate’s Operations and Security Committee. Appeals may be fully or partially granted or denied. All decisions are mailed to the appellant and are final.

Visitor Parking

Visitors to the college must obtain and display a visitor parking permit on the vehicle and are to adhere to the College traffic and parking regulations. Visitor permits are available at the Campus Safety office during business hours and at the Campus Information Center from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Visitor permits may also be obtained online at Overnight visitors are to park in student parking. Faculty, staff, and students are responsible for their guests and may be held accountable for fines imposed upon their visitors for any parking offenses incurred. In the absence of faculty, staff, or student information, the registered owner of the vehicle may be held accountable for any traffic or parking offenses incurred.

Students should refer to the traffic and parking regulations for specific information. A copy of the regulations may be obtained at the Campus Safety office, the Campus Information Center, or on the internet at

Emergency Call Boxes

Emergency call boxes are located in various locations on campus. Emergency call boxes are easily identifiable by a blue light located at the top of the call box pole. These call boxes can be utilized 24 hours a day to contact the Department of Campus Safety.

Campus Escorts

On-campus escorts are available through the Department of Campus Safety. Escorts are available 24 hours a day by calling extension 1314 from a campus phone or (717) 815-1314 from an off-campus phone.

CCTV Surveillance

The College operates a security camera network in the common areas of several buildings as well as a number of exterior locations. The purpose of these cameras is to deter crime and enhance public safety. They are for investigative purposes only and are not continuously monitored by Campus Safety personnel. Camera data is recorded and archived for a limited period of time. This data may be reviewed to obtain evidence in the event that a crime, campus violation, or other incident has occurred.

Campus Information Center

The Campus Information Center (CIC), located in the Iosue Student Union room 201, was established to provide the college community with assistance in locating and utilizing college services. The staff in the center consists of college employees who are part of the Campus Safety Department. Aside from providing information to the campus community, the staff of the CIC can provide visitor parking permits and related information and information pertaining to events occurring on campus. Those who have reserved a college fleet vehicle may pick up the keys in the Campus Information Center. The information center also houses the campus switchboard. Calls to the switchboard and campus safety lines are recorded for training and customer service purposes. The Campus Information Center is staffed 24/7.

YCP Emergency Alert

York College Emergency Alert is a mass notification system that enables students and members of the faculty and professional staff to receive emergency alerts on cell and home phones and through text messages and e-mail. This service is part of our strategy to enhance campus-wide communications during an emergency. Our goal is to increase safety on the York College campus.

York College Emergency Alert will only be activated when there is a confirmed, imminent threat to the campus community. In the unlikely event that a situation such as an active shooter or major weather emergency is occurring on the campus, the Emergency Alert System will be utilized in addition to other resources to alert the campus to the emergency and provide basic instructions on what to do. The Emergency Alert will not be used when a situation has occurred that poses no further threat to the campus community. The College will use other methods of communication to inform the campus of these occurrences. Please go to for more information.


York College uses the LiveSafe app, which is a tool that provides a quick, convenient, and discreet way to communicate with York College Campus Safety. Download LiveSafe, for free, from the Apple App Store or Google Play to enhance your overall safety and allow York College Campus Safety to better protect you.

Possession of Firearms and Other Weapons

York College is a private institution and prohibits all students, faculty, staff, administrators, and guests from possessing or using firearms on its property, even by those who possess a valid concealed carry or other permit. An exception may be made with prior approval by the Director of Campus Safety, for faculty and students taking part in authorized College classes where the presence of a firearm serves a legitimate academic purpose, such as a criminal investigation class or a living history demonstration. Sworn law enforcement officers, including the College’s Campus Police Officers, may carry their approved service weapon on campus. Officers should be in uniform or carry their law enforcement identification. Retired law enforcement officers certified under LEOSA and carrying their credentials may also carry their firearms on campus.

Other prohibited weapons include but are not limited to firearm ammunition, bombs, grenades, explosive devices, fireworks, blackjacks, metal knuckles, large knives, daggers, swords, stun guns, Tasers, batons or clubs, paintball or pellet guns and other harmful instruments and devices. Campus Safety Police Officers are authorized to carry firearms, Tasers, and MEB batons as defensive equipment once they have completed the proper training and state certification. York College student security officers are not permitted to possess any prohibited weapon. Any questions regarding whether or not an item is prohibited or any other questions about the campus weapons policy should be directed to the Campus Safety Director (717) 815-1314.

Facilities Use

York College welcomes visitors to campus. For the safety and respect of others we ask that visitors abide by the following guidelines:

  • York College athletic and intramural fields are for exclusive use by YCP students, faculty, and staff; trespassers will be asked to leave.
  • The College gymnasiums are for exclusive use by York College students, faculty, staff, spouses, and alumni. A College ID card must be presented for participation.
  • The walking path near Tyler Run Creek and the College’s quarter-mile track are available for fitness enthusiasts.
  • Pets must be leashed, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.
  • Prolonged loitering by groups is prohibited.
  • Motorized vehicles, such as mopeds and motorcycles, are prohibited on fields and walkways.
  • Visitors are prohibited from skateboarding, inline skating, and similar activities anywhere on campus.


Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Resources

Overview and Philosophy Statement

An important part of the mission of York College extends beyond the classroom to the holistic development of student character and ethics. Many student life programs address this mission element, including activities and presentations on the issues posed by alcoholic beverages and the societal presence of illegal drugs.

The overall theme of all alcohol and drug education programs is that each individual is responsible for making prudent choices regarding alcoholic beverages and being prepared to confront invitations to use illegal drugs. As a result, each individual must consider carefully, in advance, how he or she will make such decisions. The consideration process should include a full understanding of relevant physiological, behavioral, ethical, religious, and legal issues. The result should be a “personal policy” on alcohol and drugs, which can serve as a behavioral guide to the student as circumstances arise requiring decisions on alcoholic beverages and the avoidance of illegal drugs.

Sensational or exaggerated presentations on alcohol and drug use among college-age youth are explicitly avoided. Rather, York College’s drug and alcohol education programs are based on the highest caliber and most recent research studies on these issues.

The College community strives to ensure that all social gatherings are conducted in accordance with state law and College regulations and that all persons manifest responsibility for proper risk management and the welfare of others. York College of Pennsylvania’s overall approach to alcohol education and its programs to prevent related health and social problems are consistent with the Model Campus Alcohol Policy adopted by the Inter-Association Task Force on Alcohol and Other Substance Abuse Issues at the National Symposium on Campus Alcohol Practices.

The model includes the following: a summary of state and local laws; institutional policies and standards of conduct; health and wellness education; prevention strategies; intervention resources and assistance programs; judicial/referral processes; campus activities and extracurricular programs; and campus and community partnerships on alcohol and drug education and services. York College’s Campus Alcohol Policy and Program also follows the guidelines and practices recommended by the Columbia Addiction and Substance Abuse Center (CASA) and the U.S. Department of Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention.

Ultimately, students must obey civil law and accept responsibility for their behavior. Students found in violation of relevant policies are referred to appropriate campus assistance, counseling, and educational programs as part of the judicial and referral processes. Disciplinary sanctions may include probation, removal from residence facilities, and/or suspension from the College.

All College employees may be issued written warnings, suspended, or discharged for consumption of alcoholic beverages or for the use of illegal substances while on the job.

Health Risks

The excessive use of alcohol and illegal drugs may lead to many health concerns. While some concerns are listed below, an extensive list is available on the Drug and Alcohol Wellness Network (DAWN) website.

Alcohol-Related Health Risks

On a short-term basis, some health risks include drowsiness, vomiting, diarrhea, and impaired judgment. Continued use and misuse may lead to injuries, loss of productivity, alcohol poisoning, cardiovascular concerns, and severe damage to the brain, stomach, liver, and pancreas.

Drug Drug-Related Health Risks

Cardiovascular conditions, short-term confusion, anxiety or mental disturbances, depression, overdose due to unregulated use, change in personality, loss of memory, mental health problems, and poisoning.

The Law

It is illegal in Pennsylvania for persons under the age of 21 to attempt to purchase, consume, possess, or transport any alcohol, liquor, malt, or brewed beverages. Pennsylvania law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages by anyone unless they have the proper license issued by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

Pennsylvania and federal law prohibits the possession, manufacture, sale, and distribution of illegal substances. Giving marijuana or another drug-free of charge may be considered the same as sale or distribution. Possession of large amounts of drugs may be viewed as possession with intent to sell.
Applicable criminal penalties may include loss or suspension of driver’s license, fines, and/or jail time.

Pennsylvania Zero Tolerance Law

The Zero-Tolerance law makes it illegal for persons under the age of 21 to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in their blood. The Zero Tolerance law reduced the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) required to charge minors (under age 21) with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) to .02 percent. For individuals 21 years and older, the legal limit in Pennsylvania is a BAC of .08 percent.

Why Zero Tolerance?—Traffic accidents are the number one cause of death for teenagers in the United States. In 2000, approximately 30 percent of traffic fatalities among 16-20 year olds were drivers who were under the influence or occupants riding with a driver who was under the influence (United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Administration).

Driving involves multiple tasks, the demands of which change continually. To drive safely, you must be alert and make decisions based on ever-changing information present in the environment and maneuver based on these decisions. Drinking alcohol impairs a wide range of skills necessary for carrying out these tasks.

Serious Consequences for a DUI—The Zero Tolerance law establishes serious consequences for those under 21 who drive with a measurable amount of alcohol in their blood. The consequences of breaking this law will result in being charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI).

DUI For Minors (Over Age 18)

  • Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program (ARD), if qualifications are met.
  • Incarceration for 48 hours if the defendant does not accept or qualify for ARD.
  • Up to one-year suspension of driver’s license.
  • A drug and alcohol evaluation.
  • Participation in a state-approved Alcohol Highway Safety Program, if ordered by the Court.
  • Payment of fines, costs, and restitution.
  • Chemical test refusal violations will result in an automatic one-year suspension of driving privilege.
  • Offenders are often hit hard financially because of DUI fines, legal and court costs, and increased car insurance premiums. They experience lost time from school or work and suffer personal embarrassment. In addition, they may lose their job, if it involves driving a commercial vehicle. Finally, there is the potential for cancellation of car insurance policies. Students should be aware that in concert with Zero Tolerance, the Association of Pennsylvanians Against Underage Drinking has established a state-wide hotline to report underage drinking parties—planned or in progress—or establishments selling or serving alcohol to minors (1-800-UNDER21).

Where to Get Help and Information on Campus

Referral Resources

Counseling Services of York College will provide referrals for the YCP student community for both individual and group counseling to assist Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA), and recovering addicts (AA and NA). Assessment, individual, and group counseling are also offered by Counseling Services. Contact: Counseling Services, (717) 815-6437.

Susquehanna Valley Consortium for Alcohol and Other Drugs

This regional consortium of 14 colleges and universities has been meeting for over 15 years to discuss the issues of alcohol and other drug use/abuse on campus. The members share programs, data, and resources and have sponsored opportunities for admissions personnel and campus leaders, including a conference for peer health educators. York College Contact: Director of Counseling Services, (717) 815-6437.

Alcohol Awareness and Prevention Programs

Alcohol awareness and prevention programs occur throughout the school year. A variety of campus organizations as well as the Counseling Center, Student Activities Office, and Office of Residence Life participate in coordinating social and educational activities for students during alcohol awareness week. Contact: Assistant Director of Residence Life (717) 815-1281.

Drug and Alcohol Education/Intervention

Referral and Discipline Process

A student automatically enters this process when the College alcohol/drug policy is violated. Any member of the YCP Community may refer a student to this process if they are concerned about a student’s well-being. If a student is referred to the process and has not been found in violation of College policy a disciplinary sanction is not necessary. Possible sanctions for violating this policy are listed below. Once a student has entered this process, all information is kept confidential as outlined in the Student Handbook. The Assistant Director of Residence Life for Student Conduct will be notified of any incidents involving alcohol and/or drugs.

Potential Sanctions

  • Official Warning
  • Referral to the AlcoholEdu or Marijuana 101 On-Line Educational Program & Associated Program Fee
  • Disciplinary Probation
  • Community Service
  • Community Restitution
  • Residential Facilities Relocation
  • Suspension/Expulsion From YCP
  • Other Educational Sanction

Not Responsible

If a student is found not responsible for an alcohol/drug policy violation there will be no sanction issued. This determination will be made at the conclusion of a student conduct hearing.

Parental Notification on Student Conduct Matters

Parents or legal guardians of financially dependent students may be notified by the Student Affairs Office/College officials when their student has been found in violation of the College’s Student Code of Conduct. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss these disciplinary matters to assist in the learning process and behavioral improvement.

Research Documentation

York College’s policies on alcohol and substance abuse have a strong foundation in research studies. Among the current studies reviewed are reports issued by the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, the Harvard University studies, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) report, “Rethinking Rites of Passage: Substance Abuse on America’s Campuses,” a report published by the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, and The National Social Norms Resource Center. These studies and reports provide York College personnel with valid behavioral statistics and the conclusions of the leading experts serve as guides for our institutional alcohol and drug policies.

What Does the Research Show?

A recent report from NIAAA indicates the significant consequences of alcohol use and abuse. The number of college students affected each year is as follows:

  • 1400 college students die from alcohol-related causes each year.
  • 1100 of these deaths involve drinking and driving.
  • 300 are a result of alcohol poisoning/alcohol overdose
  • 400,000 students report having unprotected sex while under the influence of alcohol.
  • More than 150,000 students develop health problems associated with their alcohol use.
  • There are approximately 2.1 million cases of driving under the influence (DUI) each year.
  • More than 150,000 college students a year develop a health problem due to drinking; 6% develop a dependence on alcohol. The secondary effects of alcohol use and/or abuse are also significant, including 600,000 alcohol-related assaults each year. Of these, 70,000 are reported sexual assaults. Other secondary effects include interrupted sleep, arguments, and property damage.

An Environmental Management Approach

According to research, most college students across the country do not drink excessively and this fact is consistent with research studies conducted on the York College campus (CORE Survey, 2013). However, according to a report from the Higher Education Center, high-risk alcohol and other drug use is the most widespread health problem on college and university campuses in the United States. Unfortunately, there is not one solution to addressing this issue. The Higher Education Center promotes an environmental management strategy approach to addressing the issue, and this is the approach that is taken at York College. The environmental management strategy includes the following elements:

Limit Alcohol Availability

York College of Pennsylvania provides quality education in a collegial environment while emphasizing the holistic development of students. The College believes that the misuse of alcoholic beverages is detrimental to the standards of academic achievement and campus life, and therefore does not permit students to use or possess alcoholic beverages on campus, except in designated Independent Living Areas (Country Club Manor Apartments).

Restrict the Marketing and Promotion of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Campus

York College of Pennsylvania offers a variety of extracurricular activities that not only enhance academic and personal development but also promote safe, healthy, legal choices. The College prohibits reference on any posted notice, through words or pictures, to alcohol or other drugs.

Increase the Development and Enforcement of Campus Policies

Various offices on campus collaborate to develop and enforce policies related to alcohol and other drug use including the Office of Residence Life/Student Conduct, and the Department of Campus Safety. Counseling Services at York College consult with other offices in the development of related policies and provide free, confidential counseling for students concerned about their substance use. Students found in violation of alcohol and other drug policies are referred to appropriate campus assistance including counseling and educational programs as part of their disciplinary sanctions. Disciplinary sanctions may include probation, residential facilities relocation, and/or suspension from the College.

Promote Alcohol-Free Social, Recreational, Extracurricular, and Public Service Options

Alcohol-free programs are offered by a variety of offices including Student Activities & Orientation, Residence Life, Intercultural Student Life and Global Programming, Athletics/Intramurals, and Spiritual Life. There are over 70 clubs and organizations available to students, and the Student Activities calendar contains a complete list of events scheduled for each semester. In addition, special programs including weekend/late-night activities are planned for high-risk days and times.

Create a Health-Promoting Normative Environment

York College promotes a social norms marketing campaign via various campus media, posters, and promotional items that advance accurate statistics and information about alcohol and other drug use among York College students. These “social norming” messages are intended to correct the misperception that “all students drink excessively.” In reality, most York College students who choose to drink do so in moderation. The goal of this campaign is to promote healthy behaviors and norms and to encourage students to make responsible, healthy choices.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA), and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations

Part 86, the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, requires that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, an institution of higher education (IHE) must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. If audited, failure to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations may cause an institution to forfeit eligibility for federal funding.

York College certifies its compliance with these regulations and distributes the following in writing to all students and employees annually:

  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on school property or as part of any school activities.
  • A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol.
  • A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs that are available to employees or students.
  • A clear statement that the institution will impose sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state, and federal law), and a description of those sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution, for violations of the standards of conduct. In addition, York College conducts an annual review of its program to determine its effectiveness, implement necessary changes, and ensure consistent enforcement of College-developed sanctions.

Information regarding the DFSCA was obtained from The U.S. Department of Education’s Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Violence Prevention;

York College of Pennsylvania Policies and Programs

York College Student Affairs administrators utilize current research, reports, and data to develop the College’s policies and programs on alcohol and other drug-related issues. York College policies and programs on alcohol and substance use and abuse reflect the best of prevailing scholarship on these issues.

Believing the use of alcoholic beverages is detrimental to the standards of group living and academic achievement, the College does not permit students to use or to possess such beverages on campus, except in designated Independent Living Areas (Richland, Brockie, Spring Garden Springettsbury Apts and Springettsbury House). Students are cautioned that consumption of alcoholic beverages off campus must comply with Pennsylvania State law.

The U.S. Department of Education cites studies that prove the misuse of alcohol and other drugs results in negative consequences as well as contributes to violence on campus. Students found in violation of College drug and alcohol policies are processed through Student Conduct and are referred to appropriate campus assistance, counseling, and educational programs as part of the disciplinary process. Please refer to the “Drug and Alcohol Education/Intervention Referral and Discipline Process” section for specific information regarding sanctions and consequences.

Campus Activities and Co-curricular Programs

The Student Affairs Division designs student programs using a holistic wellness approach, giving special attention to students’ basic needs and interests while providing developmental and entertaining activities outside the classroom.

“The College strives to have a campus climate that sets a positive tone for learning and for healthy interaction, formally and informally, among College community members. In all aspects of academic and student life, College personnel strive to create an environment in which all persons interact harmoniously, demonstrating respect for the rights of others and commitment to academic freedom of conscience. The College assists students who commit full-time to higher education to develop intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually, culturally, and professionally and, to that end, provides a comprehensive program of extracurricular activities. Part-time learners are provided with appropriate enrichment opportunities.” (The York College Mission for Student and Campus Life).

Student Life programs and services are driven by the York College Mission, and the primary goal of the Student Affairs Division is a commitment to provide a campus environment that is developmental to student learning and personal growth. The focus is to generate personal wellness and educational opportunities in all aspects of student life, both in and out of the classroom. These programs and services are directed and coordinated through Student Activities and Orientation, Athletics, Residence Life, Career Development Center, Counseling Services, Health Services, Dining Services, Spiritual Life, Student Organizations, Student Conduct, and Student Diversity and Inclusion.

The six dimensions of the wellness wheel include emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, occupational, and social wellness. The wellness wheel serves as the framework for our programs and services. This model for student development not only affects individual growth and learning but also the overall campus environment. York College offers a variety of programs and activities to address the various components of wellness.

The Student Activities Office, its Director, the Student Senate, and the Campus Activities Board provide opportunities for fun, excitement, relaxation, and learning not readily found in other College activities. There are many opportunities for intellectual and social growth in Student Activities through first-hand experience in planning programs, fiscal responsibility, group leadership, community service, committee involvement, and attendance at social and recreational events.

In addition, there are over 100 clubs and organizations at York College including intramural and club sports, musical/theatre performance groups, media and publications organizations, academic and honorary societies, fraternities and sororities, religious and service organizations, and many others. There are activities to satisfy nearly every student’s interest.

The Student Affairs Division and College personnel plan services and campus programs that have a positive impact on student life, student learning, and personal wellness; as well as prepare college students for service, citizenship, and leadership in their future.

Note: The Student Handbook and Activities Calendar have a current list and description of campus activities and student organizations as well as a guide to all Student Services.

Responsible Drinking and Social Functions

Conduct all social gatherings in accordance with state law and college regulations, being responsible for proper risk management and the welfare of guests. If you use alcohol in a responsible manner, chances are good you will not experience negative consequences associated with your consumption of alcohol. For the person who has made the choice to drink, here are some ways to avoid overindulgence and associated problems:

  • don’t make drinking the primary focus
  • set a limit on how many drinks you will consume
  • recognize another’s right not to drink
  • drink slowly, don’t gulp your drinks
  • don’t encourage irresponsible behavior
  • discourage drinking and driving
  • respect the law and campus policies
  • measure the alcohol you are mixing into a drink

Sponsoring organizations and participating individuals must recognize that even at an off-campus function, the misuse of alcoholic beverages may lead to criminal prosecution and third-party liability as well as the implementation of the College student conduct process. The following three violations are of particular concern:

  1. furnishing alcohol to a minor
  2. being responsible for a minor’s consumption of alcohol or promotion thereof
  3. serving alcohol to any individual, regardless of age, who is already intoxicated
    All social gatherings must be conducted in accordance with state law and College regulations. Hosts and all in attendance must be responsible to proper risk management and the welfare of guests.

Promotion, active soliciting, or recruiting for parties are not permitted. The problem is inflated when those under 21 years of age are invited or recruited.

If members of the administration or faculty are present at any off-campus student affair, they are there as invited guests and are not there as chaperones or in any official capacity whereby they assume responsibility for student behavior. Their attendance is as invited guests.

Smoking Policy and Tobacco Products

York College is now a TOBACCO-FREE, SMOKE-FREE Campus.

For the health and well-being of our community members, York College prohibits the use of all tobacco products on YCP property.  This includes:  smokeless tobacco, ‘spit’ tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or any other smoking material or device including electronic cigarettes, juuls, hookahs, and vapes.

Allegations of violations of this policy shall be directed to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs for faculty violations; the Vice President of Campus Operations for administration and staff members; and the Office of Student Conduct and/or the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life for student violations.


York College makes a conscious effort on a daily basis to act responsibly in the best interest of its students. Alcohol abuse and illegal drug use are problems that affect college and university students across the country. York College strives to remain at the forefront of providing meaningful assistance to its student body in this regard and remains vigilant in its commitment to the wellness of its students, faculty, and staff.

If you choose not to drink, here are some tips:

Decline drinks politely, but firmly, insist on your right to abstain, don’t apologize or make excuses for not drinking; don’t be afraid to ask for soda, coffee, tea, or water.