Students in our Mass Communication major are exposed to the theoretical principles and pragmatic skills necessary for a career in digital and broadcast media. Exposure to audio, radio and video production, news gathering and reporting, copy writing, announcing, and field and control room equipment operation provides students with a strong foundation for broadcasting related careers, work in independent production houses, or work with corporate video production. Upon graduation, students are well-qualified in both the technical skills of their chosen major and the practical skills of effective communication in a professional and personal setting.
Requirements for Graduation:
To be eligible for graduation, students majoring in Mass Communication must complete a minimum of 122 credits, achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, satisfy the College’s residency requirements, and complete the General Education Requirements of the College. A minimum grade of 2.0 is required for First Year Seminar and all courses taken as part of Foundations. Courses used to complete General Education Requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. In addition, students majoring in Mass Communication must earn a grade of 2.0 or higher in all courses taken in the major.
The General Education Requirements of the college require students to successfully complete First Year Seminar, Foundations (FCO 103 will be a required co-requisite with FCO 105 for students who have a high school GPA below 3.20), Disciplinary Perspectives, and a Constellation. Students who enter the college with 30 credit hours completed will not take a First Year Seminar course and therefore must take an additional 3 credits for graduation. Transfer students that are awarded 60 or more credits upon acceptance to York College will not be required to complete a Constellation.