Sep 11, 2024
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PMD 210 Emergency Medicine and Research IFall/Spring
This course is offered in conjunction with the Emergency Department at York Hospital. Students will become actively involved in ongoing research efforts in the Emergency Department by working with physicians and other medical personnel to help identify patients who are suitable candidates for clinical trials. Students will participate in an orientation session with training on research procedures, protocols, and informed consent and may obtain verbal informed consent and administer surveys to patients. Students will work four hours per week in the Emergency Department and participate in biweekly didactic sessions. Students may participate in this course a maximum of two semesters. Prerequisite: Minimum of 60 college credits, and departmental approval. BIO 220 and BIO 221 , and BIO 222 and BIO 223 are recommended.
2 credit hours