Sep 08, 2024
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIO 216 Unseen LifeFall-Spring Semesters
This course is a laboratory science based course designed for non-biology majors, and will introduce the student to the study of living organisms that can only be viewed with a microscope. Microorganisms represent the foundation of all life on earth, and furthermore microbial life has been found in virtually all environments on Earth. In this course, students will explore the science of Microbiology as it applies to everyday life, in particular the impact that microbes have on society at large from clinical, historical, and economic perspectives, Students will also gain knowledge of the nature of science, and develop critical thinking skills through scientific inquiry. Two hours lecture. 1 three-hour laboratory (BIO217).
3 credit hours Satisfies ADR III. Satisfies Constellations - Big Ideas, Health & Wellness, and Science & Technology for “Generation Next”