York College offers a full spectrum of academic opportunities for students interested in pursuing a career in the fast-growing and ever-changing field of computing. The B.S. degree in Computer Science (CS) offered by the Engineering and Computer Science Department is designed for those pursuing computing careers in a technical or scientific field. Consistent with the mission of the College to help students prepare for their postgraduate careers, the CS program blends the practical with the theoretical. In their final year of study, students put together the technical, theoretical, and practical aspects of their computer science education through industry internships and upper-level projects and a required senior design project.
The Computer Science program at York College is built on guidelines recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The Computer Science program in the Department of Engineering and Computer Science at York College is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.
The Computer Science Program is designed such that within a few years of graduation, our alumni will have:
- Made meaningful contributions to the computing profession through work in industry or nonprofit organizations, graduate studies, publications, and or participation in professional organizations;
- Demonstrated an ability to learn new skills and stay current with new technologies and computing paradigms;
- Worked and communicated effectively with team members, problem domain experts, customers, and other constituencies.
To facilitate these program educational objectives, the CS program has adopted the following educational outcomes for its graduates from the 2018-2019 ABET Criteria for Accrediting Computing Programs:
- Analyze a complex problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
- Design, implement, and evaluate computing-based solution to meet meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
- Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
- Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
- Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
- Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. [CS]
Requirements for Graduation:
To be eligible for graduation, students majoring in Computer Science must complete a minimum of 124 credits, achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0, satisfy the College’s residency requirements, and complete the General Education Requirements of the College. A minimum grade of 2.0 is required for First Year Seminar and all courses taken as part of Foundations. Courses used to complete General Education Requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
The General Education Requirements of the college require students to successfully complete a First Year Seminar, Foundations, Disciplinary Perspectives, and a Constellation. Students who enter the college with 30 credit hours completed will not take a First Year Seminar course and therefore must take an additional 3 credits for graduation. Transfer students that are awarded 60 or more credits upon acceptance to York College will not be required to complete a Constellation.
In addition, students majoring in Computer Science must achieve a grade of 2.0 or higher in all major requirements. At least four 300-400 level courses and one programming language course must be taken at York College.