Nov 23, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CVE 100 Infrastructure Engineering

Spring Semester

This course identifies, analyzes, and assesses built infrastructure which is the foundation for modern society.  The complex and interconnected nature of infrastructures is investigated and demands on critical components are calculated.  Students explore the non-technical factors necessary for the functioning of infrastructure including supplies, trained personnel, and cross-sector dependencies.  The course provides a basis for understanding the complexity and cost of maintaining, rebuilding and developing infrastructure.  Major blocks of instruction include water and wastewater, power, transportation, solid waste, communications systems, and public administration.  Several in-class scenarios are provided to synthesize the connectivity between the major items of infrastructure.  Finally, the knowledge gained is employed to analyze infrastructure in recovery or emergency operations.

3 credit hours