Mar 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate and Professional Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Graduate and Professional Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Support

Academic Advising

Student Accessibility Services 

Writing Center 

Library and Technology Services

Career Development Center

Health Services Office



Upon entering York College, every matriculated student is assigned an academic advisor who, through experience, professional background and example, is qualified to assist the student in planning the coursework of the program of study, in developing strategies for academic success, and in providing guidance and information in preparation for the student’s career and life goals.  Faculty members serve as advisors for students who have declared a major within their programs of study.

While academic advisors assist students in their academic planning, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to meet the academic requirements for graduation. Students are expected to meet regularly with their advisor to discuss the development and implementation of a plan of short- and long-term academic goals. The final responsibility in meeting graduation requirements rests with the student.


York College and Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is dedicated to providing an inclusive campus environment and quality learning experience that is equally accessible to all students. York College will provide reasonable accommodations and support services to any qualified student with a disability. The goal of Student Accessibility Services is to help students access education, demonstrate their knowledge, and meet their academic potential.

York College encourages any student that feels they may qualify for accommodations to contact Student Accessibility Services to set up an appointment. Students can request accommodations by completing and submitting the SAS online application, along with documentation related to their disability.  The application, documentation requirements, and additional information can be found at  The student will then be invited to meet with SAS staff to discuss appropriate accommodations and plan a strategy for academic success.

Early-Entrance (4+1) candidates must complete the SAS application a second time following their baccalaureate application and prior to enrolling in the first course as a graduate student.


The Writing Center (WC) offers support for students working on writing for any class, or for personal or professional purposes. Appointments are available with peer or professional tutors, both in-person or online. Additionally, the WC’s Drop-Off Essay Review service allow students to upload a copy of an assignment and receive feedback asynchronously from a tutor to help them revise.  Students can get help at any stage of the process; from brainstorming and organizing or developing their writing, to editing and proofreading their work or addressing instructor feedback.  Students can work with tutors on all types of composition from traditional papers, to presentations, to multi modal projects like research posters or websites.   In addition, the WC offers workshops, both for all students and for specific classes, on topics such as; citation, developing an effective writing process, and peer review.

The Writing Center has in-person and Zoom appointments available during weekdays and evenings and Drop-Off Essay review appointments are available seven days a week.


Library and Technology Services (LTS) provides state-of-the-art information systems and library resources to students, faculty, and staff.  All members of the York College community are assigned a network account that provides access to the MyYCP portal, YCP Gmail and Google Apps, printing, file storage, and networked programs. General purpose computer labs, specialty labs, and smart classrooms that use projection systems and multimedia equipment complement the learning process.  All residence halls include full wireless internet access for personal devices.  Library resources and services include journal databases, books, ebooks, and DVDs, research assistance, interlibrary loan, media production, as well as group study rooms, quiet study areas, and computer access.


The Center assists students with career exploration and development through individual appointments, workshops, services, resources, and special events as well as a comprehensive web-based career management system (Spartan Career Path) and website. The Center guides students through the process of selecting a major, identifying and securing an internship, developing resumes, refining interviewing skills, and locating full-time employment opportunities. Exposure to employers for career exploration, networking and professional development is emphasized through a variety of events.  The Career Development Center also provides information and support for students considering and navigating the graduate and law school application process.

Using the Center’s program, Plan To Succeed, students are asked to personalize their own academic and career plans during their York College experience. Students are encouraged to Engage, Explore, Experience, and Emerge as professionals in their chosen field or discipline as they develop career readiness competencies for post-graduation success. We encourage skill development including self-assessment, job search skills, and preparation for life after college, which students will use throughout their lives. All of the services, resources, and events available through the Career Development Center are designed to empower students to be active participants in their own academic, career and professional development and life planning.


The Health Services Office provides an array of services for students who are close enough in physical proximity to campus to receive them.  Students who receive these services must provide appropriate health documentation to the Health Services Office prior to receiving service.  As graduate and professional programs do not require this documentation at admission, students who wish to receive these services must contact the Health Services Office prior to their first visit to request the required forms and return any required materials to the office to be prior to their first visit to receive services.