Feb 11, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Music, B.S. (with Studies in Music Industry & Recording Technology)
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The Bachelor of Science degree in Music (with Studies in Music Industry and Recording Technology) is designed to give students a broad understanding of the activities and responsibilities of a music industry professional, focusing on academic study in music, music industry, business, and recording technology. Acceptance into this program requires an audition.
4+1 Entertainment Marketing and Production Advanced Degree Program
Through the Accelerated Undergraduate-to-Graduate Pathway, students completing the Music B.S. degree can apply to be accepted into this program that will allow them earn both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in five years.
Degree Requirements
Institutional Degree Requirements
Program-Specific Degree Requirements: To be eligible for graduation, students majoring in Music (with Studies in Music Industry and Recording Technology) must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in all required major courses.
General Education Requirement
Choose 3 credits of the following Advanced Communication courses:
Choose 3 credits of the following Quantitative Fluency courses:
Choose 3 credits of the following American Citizenship courses:
Choose 3 credits of the following Global Citizenship courses or students have the option to complete this requirement by successfully completing 6 credits of the same foreign language:
Disciplinary Perspectives Requirement
Choose 3 credits of the following Humanities courses:
Choose 3 credits of the following Social and Behavioral Sciences courses:
Choose 3 credits of the following Natural and Physical Sciences courses:
Constellation Requirement
The Constellation requirement is met when a student completes four courses from a minimum of three disciplines within the Constellation requirements. Students who transfer in 60 credits or more at the time of admission to the college will be waived from the Constellation requirement, except for Education majors. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate; students need to meet the overall bachelor’s degree credit requirement. Historical and Theoretical Courses
Support Courses
Students must complete 12 credits of the following: Business, Music Industry, and Recording Technology Courses
Music Performance Courses
- Primary Applied Music 7 credit hours
- Secondary Applied Music 1 credit hour
- Music Ensemble 7 credit hours
- Recital Attendance 0 credit hours (6 semesters required)
- Piano Proficiency 0 credit hours
Suggested Course Sequence
Fall Semester (14.5 credits)
Spring Semester (15.5 credits)
Fall Semester (15.5 credits)
Spring Semester (17.5 credits)
Fall Semester (17 credits)
Spring Semester (14 credits)
Fall Semester (14 credits)
- MGT 150 Principles of Management 3 credit hours
- Primary Applied Lesson 1 credit hour
- Ensemble course 1 credit hour
- Music Support course 3 credit hours
- Constellation courses 6 credit hours
Spring Semester (12 credits)
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