Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Programs in Behavioral Sciences and Education

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Graduate Programs in Behavioral Sciences and Education provide bachelor’s degree-holding candidates access to specialized expertise, avenues to earn advanced professional credentials, and opportunities to earn advanced degrees in their fields.  Our programs are distinctive for their focus reflective practice, their emphasis on experiential learning in professional contexts, and by the focused attention students receive from our experienced and respected faculty in their courses, during advising, and through the many opportunities for collaboration and mentoring that exists in all of our programs.

Application Procedures

Application for admission to the Graduate Programs in Behavioral Sciences and Education programs may be made for fall, spring, or summer sessions. To be considered for admission, applicants should submit their applications and all required application materials to the York College Graduate Admissions Office no later than August 15 for fall admission, January 15 for spring admission, or May 15 for summer admission. Applicants are admitted on a rolling basis.

Admission Requirements

  • A completed Graduate Studies application
  • Statement of applicantʼs professional and academic goals
  • Official undergraduate transcript(s)* demonstrating a GPA of “3.0”
  • Copy of certification(s) if applicable
  • Current professional resume

*A “3.0” undergraduate GPA and an active Pennsylvania Professional Identification number (PPID) is required to be admitted to any PDE “add-on” degree, certification, or endorsement program.

*A “2.8” undergraduate GPA is required to be admitted to any non-certification certificate or degree program.

Additional materials may be required in order for the admissions committee to evaluate a degree candidate’s credentials. Request for additional materials is typically limited to applicants who seek acceptance of transfer credits or whose application materials fall short of the minimum expectations. All applicants to the York College of Pennsylvania Master of Education program will be subject to approval by the Master of Education Program Office; admission of all candidates to the program will be at the discretion of the Education Department.

Types of Admission

There are four types of admission classifications in the program: degree candidate, credential candidate, graduate dual degree - “4+1” candidate, and continuing education candidate.

Degree Candidate

Degree candidates hold an undergraduate degree are eligible to complete a graduate-level degree and any certificates, certifications, and/or endorsements contained within the degree curriculum the degree candidate is eligible for.

Certificate/Certification/Endorsement–Credential Candidate

Credential candidates hold an undergraduate degree are eligible to earn the certificate(s), certification(s), and/or endorsements associated with the program for which they were offered admission.

Graduate Dual Degree–“4+1” Candidate

Some graduate degree programs within the School of Behavioral Science and Education admit highly motivated undergraduates to the Graduate Dual Degree Program.  Accepted Graduate Dual Degree Candidates may enroll in up to three graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program.  These courses will only contribute to the candidate’s selected graduate program.  Tuition for these courses is billed at the undergraduate rate.  Upon graduation from the bachelor’s degree program, candidate progress will be reviewed by the associated program director.  If they remain a viable candidate, the candidates will be converted to graduate status and the graduate credits completed will be applied to their selected graduate degree program.

  • An undergraduate student may apply for admission once 75 credits have been completed, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.  This is typically in the spring semester of the junior year, allowing the student to begin graduate work in the fall of the senior year (or the summer prior).
  • Interested students should complete and submit the online Graduate Studies Application.
  • Upon admission to the Graduate Dual Degree program, a student meets with the program director affiliated with their selected graduate program, who will, in consultation with the student’s undergraduate academic advisor, determine how the graduate courses fit into the student’s undergraduate program and help design a program of study.
  • Transfer students may apply for readmission to the Graduate Dual Degree program when they have completed 75 total credits, 15 of which were completed at York College.
  • Students who have already earned one baccalaureate degree, and are pursuing a second degree, are not eligible for the Graduate Dual Degree program.

Continuing Education Candidate

Students interested in engaging in professional development, maintaining their certification, or building their capacity in a specialized area may enroll in up to 9 credits of individual program courses as Continuing Education candidates.  These students will not be eligible to earn a degree or certification unless they choose to re-apply to a program as Degree or Credential Candidates.

Admissions Requirements for Continuing Education Candidates

  • A completed Graduate Studies application
  • Statement of applicant’s professional and academic goals
  • Official undergraduate transcript(s)*

Blended Instruction

Graduate programs in Social and Behavioral Sciences are designed for working professionals and/or full-time graduate dual degree candidates.  All programs employ a blended approach to instruction that includes campus-based and distance-enabled instruction in every class.  During the regular academic year, courses are offered Monday through Thursday during the evening hours.  Each summer, courses are offered in both day and evening formats.

Programs of Study

Graduate programs in Behavioral Sciences and Education prepare highly effective practitioners with the advance skills and knowledge needed to thrive in their careers and serve the institutions and communities in which they work.  

Master of Education Programs

Graduate Programs in Behavioral Science and Education at York College of Pennsylvania offers a Master of Education degree with specialization in Educational Leadership (PK-12 Principal Certification), Reading Specialist (PK-12 Reading Specialist Certification).  Educational Technology (PK-12 Educational Technology Specialist / PK-12 Online Instruction Endorsement).  Diversity and Student Resilience (PK-12 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Wellness Endorsement), and School Theatre (PK-12 Theatre Endorsement).  Educators who hold valid Pennsylvania Instructional I, Instructional II, or Administrative Certifications at the conclusion of their programs, successfully complete all designated courses, and pass any required state assessments are eligible to apply for their desired certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Degree and PDE Credential Candidates

Degree candidates must complete four core courses as well as the program of study developed for their area of specialization. 

Degree and credential candidates who elect the Educational Leadership specialization must complete either a one-semester (three credit) or two-semester (2 credits each semester) administrative internship.  Candidates must complete all course requirements prior to beginning the internship.  An Administrative Internship Manual may be obtained from the program director of the Educational Leadership program.

Degree and credential candidates who elect the Reading specialization must complete two semesters (six credits) of practicum experience. All reading specialization courses must be completed prior to the first semester of reading practicum. Updated clearances (within one year of practicum) are required for practicum experience completed in local districts. Guidelines for reading practicum will be provided by a program advisor.

Degree and credential candidates who elect the Educational Technology specialization must complete a capstone project during their internship semester.  Guidelines for this project will be provided by the program director of the Educational Technology program.

Degree candidates who elect the Diversity and Resilience specialization must complete a capstone project during their Research seminar semester.  Guidelines for this project will be provided by the coordinator of the Diversity and Student Resilience program.

Certificate and Credential Candidates (non-certification)

Candidates who do not possess a valid Pensylvania Instructional or Administrative certificate are eligible to be awarded a graduate degree or certificate for York College of Pennsylvania.  These candidates are not eligible to be awarded a separate certification or endorsement from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Policies and Procedures

Continuous Enrollment Policy - Master of Education

Students must be enrolled in either coursework or continuous enrollment two out of three semesters of a given academic year. The academic school year is defined as fall-spring-summer. A student may enroll in continuous enrollment for up to two consecutive semesters. Under certain circumstances, as approved by the graduate director, this may be waived or extended. Students are encouraged to seek approval from their program advisor for a waiver or extension of this policy as early as possible.  

Professional Dispositions

The practitioner-oriented nature of our programs necessitates the maintenance of professional dispositions while participating in any course or program events and in all communications associated with program activities.  These dispositions include:  

  • Competence in written and oral expression
  • Ethical, moral character
  • Personal organization
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Ability to accept and profit from constructive criticism
  • Use of prudent judgment
  • Class attendance

If, at any time, a  member of the faculty or course instructor becomes concerned about a lack of development in any of these identified attributes within a student, a Departmental Action meeting will be scheduled with the candidate, program director, graduate director, and/or the Dean of the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education.  The meeting will communicate the required immediate and observable steps to address improvement.  Continuation in the program will be determined by the candidate’s ability to successfully address the identified concerns.

Grading, Degree Progress, and Dismissal

  • Upon completion of required coursework and as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Education Degree, candidates will complete a capstone experience. In addition to an internship/practicum/studio experience, Reading Specialist students will complete a comprehensive examination.  
  • Degree, credential, and dual graduate degree candidates are required to maintain a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average to remain in good standing, to be eligible to earn a graduate certificate degree or to be recommended for PDE certification or endorsement.  
  • Each studentʼs cumulative graduate grade point average is reviewed upon completion of 12 graduate credits and at the completion of each spring semester thereafter. If a studentʼs cumulative grade point average is less than 3.0 at any of these reviews, the student will then be placed on academic probation and must achieve a 3.0 cumulative grade point average during the next nine credits or three graduate level courses.
  • Courses in which a student receives a grade less than a 3.0 must be retaken in the earliest semester that the course is offered. A particular course may be retaken one time. The student is permitted to repeat no more than two courses total. If a course is retaken, both grades will be recorded on the transcript but only the highest grade is used in calculating the GPA. Failure to bring the GPA up to 3.0 within these parameters will result in the student being suspended from their program. Suspended students have a right to appeal through the Department of Education.
  • All students are expected to follow all York College of Pennsylvania policies in regards to academic honesty and professional dispositions. Further, all students enrolled in the Department of Education Graduate Education Program are expected to demonstrate the highest standards of ethics and professional behavior. Violation of the program professional dispositions, York College Academic Integrity Policy or the Pennsylvania Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators (22Pa.Code §235.1-235.11.) will result in dismissal from the graduate program.


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