Mar 11, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
HRT 330 Plant Nutrition and PhysiologySpring
Fundamental physiological processes in a plant include water relations, nutrient uptake, adaptation to temperature and other environmental factors, and photosynthesis. The mechanisms for these processes and those used by plant roots to extract nutrients from the surrounding aqueous soil solution will be studied. The dependence of these highly dynamic processes on nutrient concentrations, soil acidity, and microbial activity will be covered. Basic principles of plant nutrient requirements and the roles of different elements in plant metabolism and final crop production will be studied. On this basis, the course covers application of the principles for the production of food plants, nursery crops, tree crops, turf or other horticultural crops. Management techniques covered include nutrient testing in soil and plant tissue, and the relationships between plant nutrition and fertilization, acidity and liming, and additions of organic matter. Prerequisite: CHM 122 and CHM 123 , HRT 200 , HRT 320
4 credit hours