Jan 02, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
CVE 405 Civil Engineering Professional Practice SeminarSpring
This seminar consists of weekly class attendances during the spring semester and includes all senior students in the Civil Engineering major. The course focuses on issues related to the professional practice of civil engineering, and is intended to augment and enrich the students’ CVE 400 capstone design experience. Topics include professional roles and responsibilities, professional registration, continuing education, engineering ethics, procurement of work, personal finances, leadership, business and public policy, and racial and social justice. The seminar will include presentations by guest lecturers on topics of current interest in the field of civil engineering. Guest lecturers will be primarily civil engineering practitioners, providing the students an opportunity to interact with professionals in their major field of interest. Students submit short weekly assignments and complete one book review. Prerequisite: Senior standing in the CVE Program.
2 credit hours