Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Adjunct Faculty

Leanne Abugov (2011)
Lecturer in Activity and Wellness
B.A., Dickinson College
M.S., University of Maryland College Park

Cheryl Akers (2018)
Lecturer, Marketing
B.S., Indiana University
M.B.A., St. Joseph’s University

Kirstie Amereihn (2007)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Raymond Ames (2018)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University

Annalingam (Rajah) Anandarajah
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
B.S., University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya
M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Davis

Erin Anderson (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Thomas Jefferson University 
M.S.N., Messiah University

Brenda A. Artz (2010)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., M.S., University of Maryland
D.N.P., York College of Pennsylvania

Deborah Audette (2011)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Holyoke Community College
B.S.N., Kutztown University
M.S., York College of Pennsylvania
D.N.P., York College of Pennsylvania

Bruce Babcock (2014)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., M.S., California State University
Ph.D., Michigan State University

Ganesh Bal (2015)
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
B.S., Karnatak University
M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Kristina A. Bange, Esq. (2011)
Lecturer in Business Law
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
J.D., Widener University School of Law

Rusty Banks (2017)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., University of Montevallo
M.M., The Florida State University

Charity Barber-Heaton (2018)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., College of Southern Maryland
M.S.N., Wilson College

Robert (R.J.) Barna (2020)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Misericordia University
M.A., St. Bonaventure University

Joshua Barnes (2019)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., King University
M.Ed., Milligan College

Harry Baturin (2021)
Lecturer, Accounting
B.A., University of Pittsburgh
LL.M., Georgetown University Law Center
J.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Susan Beam (2020)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., M.A., Millersville University
Ph.D., Temple University

Jessica Beaty (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Chamberlain University
M.P.H., Purdue University
M.S.N., Western Governor’s University

Niles S. Benn, Esq. (2012)
Lecturer in Management
B.S., Temple University
J.D., Dickinson School of Law

Norine Bentzel (2018)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., M.S., Pennsylvania State University

Lynn Bergdoll (2012)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., University of Pennsylvania

Norma H. Beyer (2006)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing at University of Maryland
M.S., University of Maryland
D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University

Amy M. Bitner (2015)
Lecturer in Sociology
B.A., Millersville University
M.S., Shippensburg University

Kristine Bittle (2021)
Lecturer in Communication
B.S., M.S., Bloomsburg University
Certificate of Completion in Educating Students with Severe and Sensory Impairments
including Deaf-blindness, Pennsylvania State University

Jennifer Borden (2017)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.A., M.A., The Pennsylvania State University

Sarah Bosserman-Matulewicz (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., The Pennsylvania University

David Bradnick (2015)
Lecturer in Philosophy
B.S., Lee University
M.A., Lancaster Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Regent University

Holly Breault (2014)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., University of Maryland
M.A., Johns Hopkins University

Cathy Breneman (2010)
Lecturer in Information Systems
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Adrienne Brenner (2005)
Lecturer in Sociology and Human Services
B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne College
M.S., The College of New Rochelle

Lowell A. Briggs (1991)
Lecturer in Communication
B.A., Temple University
M.S., Villanova University

Cristina Brooks (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Towson University
M.S.N., Chamberlain University

Nicholas Brooks (2014)
Lecturer in History
B.A., Gordon College
M.A., University of Connecticut

Kimberly Buchar-Nolet (2006)
Lecturer in Music and Bassoon
B.M., The Harid Conservatory School of Music
M.M., University of Rochester
D.M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana

Julia Bucher (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., University of Delaware
M.N., University of Washington
M.P.M., Seattle University
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Donna Burns (2016)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.ED, Pennsylvania State University
Ed.D., Duquesne University

Cindy Buschman (2016)
Lecturer in Decision Sciences
B.S., Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture
M.B.A., Wilmington College
D.B.A., Walden University

Denise M. Campbell (2003)
Lecturer in Art
B.A., College of Notre Dame of Maryland
M.F.A., University of Delaware

Vincent T. Cannizzaro (2017)
Lecturer in Public Policy
Director of Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) Program
B.A., University of Central Florida
M.P.P., Johns Hopkins University
Ph.D., University of Maryland Baltimore County

Robert Cardillo (2017)
Lecturer, Management
B.A., Utica College of Syracuse University
J.D., University of West Los Angeles

Wayne S. Carney (2013)
Lecturer, Hospitality Management
B.S., Duquesne University
M.B.A., Loyola University

Joan Carpenter (2009)
Lecturer in Biology
B.A., Hiram College
M.S., Case Western Reserve University

Louis J. Castriota, Sr. (1996)
Lecturer in Communication
B.A., The Pennsylvania State University

Susan Cathcart (2015)
Ed Leadership Coordinator in Masters of Education
Student Teacher Supervisor in Education
B.F.A., Drake University
M.S., Western Maryland College
Ed.D., Temple University

Silas A. Chamberlin (2021)
Lecturer, Economics
B.A., Temple University
M.A., Ph.D., Lehigh University

Yong Ouk Cho (2017)
Lecturer, Economics
B.E., Changwon National University
M.A., Iowa State University
Ph.D., Arizona State University

Allison J. Christine (1995)
Lecturer in Sociology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., Loyola College
M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University

Terry L. Clark (2019)
Lecturer in Human Services
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.P.A., Kutztown University

Shelly Clay-Robison (2014)
Lecturer in Sociology/Anthropology
B.A., American University
M.S., University of New Hampshire

Richard L. Cleary (1983)
Lecturer in Philosophy
B.S., M.S., Millersville State College
M.A., West Chester State College

Emily Clinton (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., York College of Pennsylvania

Samuel Cohen (2017)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Grove City College
M.S., Montana State University

Korri Colón (2022)
Lecturer in Management
B.S.,York College of Pennsylvania
M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Barbara Conforti (2013)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., The Pennsylvania State University
M.S.N., University of Pennsylvania

Emily J. Connors (2006)
Lecturer in Recreation Leadership
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., University of Massachusetts - Boston

Samuel Courbis (2021)
Lecturer, Supply Chain Management
M.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County
M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Jennifer Cousar (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Chamberlain University

Wendy M. Crane (2020)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
Msc(T), South Dakota State University

Cynthia A. Crimmins (2001)
Lecturer in Writing
B.S., Millersville University
M.S.Ed., Wilkes University

Diana Cybularz (2009)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
B.S., Michigan Tech
M.A., The Pennsylvania State University

Thomas Czaus (2013)
Lecturer, Hospitality Management
B.S., University of Houston

Christopher Daley (2022)
Lecturer in Public Relations
B.S., Towson University
M.S., Stevenson University

Marilyn Daly (2015)
Lecturer in Biology
B.A., Bridgewater College
M.ED., University of Southern Mississippi

Richard Daly (1995)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., University of Washington
M.D., University of Mississippi

Amy DeBolt (2020)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., M.A., M.A.T., Towson University

Gretchen Dekker-Elicker (2007)
Lecturer in Music and Piano
B.M., Peabody Conservatory of Music, The Johns Hopkins University
M.M., New England Conservatory of Music

Fely Demaisip (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., IIoilo Doctor’s College

Lorie DeMarco (2018)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University

Mark DeMull (2017)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., Alma College
M.M., Michigan State University

Susan Deppen (2005)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., Elizabethtown College
M.S., Virginia Tech

Venona Detrick (2013)
Lecturer in Music
B.M.E., Wichita State University
M.M.E., Temple University

Cedrick Dickens (2016)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness

Tina M. Diehl (2008)
Student Teacher Supervisor in Education
B.S., Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Jill Dillon (2019)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., Pennsylvania State University
M.S., University of North Texas
Ed.D., Immaculata College

Valerie Dillon (2021)
Lecturer in Art
B.F.A. Metropolitan State University of Denver
M.F.A. The Pennsylvania State University

Donald E. Dimoff, Jr. (2006)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.A., Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Christine Dinges (2013)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., University of South Florida
​M.S.N., Messiah College

Lisa Downs (2007)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.A., Gratz College

William L. Druck, Jr. (2005)
Lecturer in Guitar
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Elizabeth L. Dunham (2007)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Michigan State University
M.L.S., University of Minnesota

Susan Dunham (2014)
Student Teaching Supervisor Education
B.A., Grove City College
M.Ed., Millersville University

Timothy Ebersole (2022)
Lecturer in Public Relations
B.S., Shippensburg University
M.S., Shippensburg University
Ed.D., Duquesne University

Jenna Eisenhower (2017)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
D.N.P., Capella University

Brian Ellis (2016)
Instructor in Education
B.A., Gettysburg College
M.S., Villanova University
Ed.D., Drexel University

David J. Emrhein (2006)
Lecturer in Biology
B.A., University of Akron
M.A.Ed., Morehead State University
M.A., University of Maryland

Marilou V. Erb (2000)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.A., Calvin College
J.D., Cooley Law School

Vendla Esler (2014)
A.A.S., Frederick Community College
B.S., American University
M.B.A., Baker College

Rebecca Etzine (2019)
Lecturer in Theatre
B.A., Fordham University
M.F.A., The New School for Drama

Shawn Farmer (2018)
Lecturer, Sport Management
B.S., Eastern University
M.S., McDaniel College

William Featherstone (2021)
Lecturer in Accounting
B.S., University of Baltimore
M.A., Morgan State University
Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania

Ileana M. Feistritzer (2009)
Lecturer in Spanish
B.A., Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
M.A., University of Illinois

Laura Fitz (2015)
Lecturer in Education/Student Teaching in Education
B.S., Millersville University
M.S., McDaniel College

Aimee Fleischman (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Sue Forry (2007)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., Elizabethtown College
M.Ed., Millersville University

Robert Foster (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., York College of Pennsylvania

Jennifer Frazer (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Catrina Frey (2017)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., York College of PA
M.S., Pennsylvania State University

Randall Frizado (2017)
Lecturer in Theatre
Certificate from American Musical and Dramatic Academy

JoAnn Garman (2001)
Lecturer in Recreation Leadership
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., The Pennsylvania State University

George M. Gehring (2012)
Lecturer in Physics and Engineering
B.S., Juniata College
Ph.D., University of Rochester

Johanna Geister (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., The Ohio University
M.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Alex George (2021)
Lecturer in Art
B.S., M.E., Mansfield University

Alexander Gibson (2013)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., Saint Vincent College
M.S., Wilkes University

Jaime Gibson (2017)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.S., Barton College
M.S., Shippensburg University

David L. Ginder (2012)
Student Teaching Supervisor in Education
B.S., Millersville University
M.Ed., Western Maryland College
Ed.D, Immaculata University

Jan P. Gipe (2011)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., Shippensburg University
M.S., University of Michigan

Melanie Glennon (2017)
Lecturer in Writing
B.S., Florida State University
M.Ed., George Washington University
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Danielle Godfrey (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Harrisburg Area Community College
B.S.N., M.S.N., Western Governors College

Teresa Gregory (2012)
Lecturer in Economics
B.S., M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Rodney Grim (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.A., Radford University
Ph.D., Walden University

Vito Grippi (2008)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.F.A., Carlow University

Kristin Gross (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Widener University

Tammy Grove (2017)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., M.Ed., Millersville University

Scott M. Gyenes (1997)
Lecturer in History
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.A., Western Michigan University

Brigitte F. Haagen (2004)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Florida State University
M.S.N., Boston University
D.N.Sc., Widener University

Kelly Hammarberg (2021)
B.S.N., Messiah College
M.S.W., Temple University
M.S.N., Drexel University

Robin A. Hamme (2014)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., Millersville University
M.Ed, Shippensburg University
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Karen L. Hansen (2012)
Lecturer in Marketing
B.S.., York College of Pennsylvania
M.B.A., University of Baltimore

Denise M. Hart (2007)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.S., Slippery Rock State College

Nancy Hart (2013)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Brian Hastings (2017)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., M.S., Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Judith Hauck (2007)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., University of Pennsylvania
D.N.P., Oakland University

Diane Hawk (2017)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., Pennsylvania State University
M.S., Hahnemann University Graduate School
Ph.D. Pathology, Georgetown University Graduate School
Ph.D. Naturopathic Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine

Reginald Hefner (2016)
Lecturer in Languages
B.A., University of Maryland (Chinese) and (Russian), College Park
B.A., Shippensburg University (Spanish) and (French)
M.A., Middlebury College

Pamela Hemzik (1992)
Lecturer in Art History
B.A. State University College of Arts & Sciences at Geneseo
M.A. Binghamton University
Ph.D. Penn State University

Ann Hendrickson (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Suny Upstate Medical University
Ph.D., University of South Alabama

Nickolena K. Herdson (2006)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., McDaniel College
M.F.A., University of Baltimore

Lisa Lawmaster Hess (2013)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.A., M.S., Bucknell University

Jessica Hillier (2017)
Lecturer in Theatre
B.A., Slippery Rock University

Lisa K. Hoffman (2017)
Lecturer in Human Services and Recreation Leadership
B.S., Elizabethtown College
M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University

Rebecca Homan (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Yoshiaki Horiguchi (2018)
Lecturer in Music
B.A., University of Maryland
M.M., The Peabody Conservatory at The Johns Hopkins University

Valerie L. Houghton (2008)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Douglass College
M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University

Kevin Huggins (2014)
Lecturer in Computer Science
B.S., US Military Academy
M.S., Naval Postgraduate School
Ph.D., Centre de Recherche en Informatique

Charles Humberd (2017)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., Taylor University
M.S., Western Maryland College

HyeSung Hwang (2018)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., Seoul National University
M.M., D.M.A., The Peabody Conservatory of The Johns Hopkins University

Craig A. Ilgenfritz (1995)
Lecturer in Political Science
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.A., Ph.D., Miami University of Ohio

Mark Ilyes (2016)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Grove City College
M.Ed., Millersville University

Keith E. Imboden (2020)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
M.S., Bloomsburg University

Robert E. Innerst (2019)
Lecturer in Communication
B.S., Ohio University
M.S., Shippensburg University

Kia James (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.A., B.S.N., St. Olaf College
M.S.N., Ed.D., University of Minnesota

Deepti Jindal (2010)
Lecturer in Engineering
B.S., University of Cincinnati
M.S., Columbia University

Audra G. Johns (2005)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., Widener University

Colin Johnson (2019)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., University of Iowa
M.M., D.M.A., Shanandoah Conservatory

Ellen Johnson (2007)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.C.E., M.C.E., University of Delaware

Charles Johnston (2022)
Lecturer in Accounting
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.B.A., Lebanon Valley College
Stephanie Johnston (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Stevenson University

Gard Jones (2017)
Lecturer in Art
B.A., B.A.Ed., B.F.A., Western Washington University
M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art

George W.W. Jones, Jr. (2006)
Student Teacher Supervisor in Education
B.A., Grove City College
M.Ed., Ed.D., Temple University

Stacy Jones (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Harrisburg Area Community College
B.S.N., The Pennsylvania State University

Deepak Kapoor (1997)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Punjab University
M.S., Loyola College

Charles Kauffman (2006)
Lecturer in Languages
B.A., Lycoming College
M.A., University of Pennsylvania

Justin Kauffman (2014)
Lecturer in Engineering
B.S., York College
M.Eng., Johns Hopkins University

Priscilla Kaufhold (2015)
Lecturer in Theatre
B.A., The American University
M.F.A., George Washington University

Samantha Keenan (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Millersville University

Sardari Khanna (1965)
Professor, Physics
B.A., Panjab University
M.S., Ph.D., Saugar University




Jason Kirsch (2015)
Lecturer in Communication
B.A., Shippensburg University
M.A., Bloomsburg University

Stephen K. Klotz (2014)
Lecturer in Human Services/Gerontology
B.S., Lycoming College
M. Div., Palmer Theological Seminary

Kelsey Klunk (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Harrisburg Area Community College
B.S.N., M.S.N., Millersville University

Glen Knight (2020)
Lecturer in Art
B.A., University of Maryland

Carole M. Knisely (1996)
Lecturer in Music
B.A., University of West Virginia
M.A., Norwich University of the College of Vermont

Dennis R. Kohler (2000)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., M.Ed., Millersville State College

Alicia J. Kosack (2002)
Lecturer in Music and Flute
B.M., Harid Conservatory
M.M., Peabody Conservatory
D.M.A., University of Maryland

Carol L. Kotzman (1992)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., Millersville University

Scott Krauser (2016)
Instructor in Education
B.S., Gettysburg College
M.S., Lebanon Valley College
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Derrick Kreiser (2022)
Lecturer in Management
B.S., Millersville University
M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University
Megan Krolus (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N, Messiah University

M. Rebecca Lankford (1994)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.A., Messiah College
M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University

Rachael Lattanzio (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., University of Pittsburgh
D.N.P., Capella University

David W. Layman (2002)
Lecturer in Philosophy and Religion
A.B., University of Chicago
Ph.D., Temple University

Frederick D. Leinheiser (1980)
Lecturer in Accounting
B.S., St. Joseph’s College
M.B.A., Shippensburg State College
Ph.D., Argosy University

Jason Lewis (2018)
Lecturer, Management
B.S., Liberty University
M.S. Eastern University

Mary B. Ligon (2007)
Lecturer, Human Services/Gerontology
B.S., Radford University
M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Kara Lindstrom (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Western Governor’s University

Eric Ling (2007)
Lecturer in Sociology
B.Soc.Sc., University of Birmingham (Birmingham, England)
M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University

Michael S. Lippard (2011)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., James Madison University
M.M., Northwestern University
D.M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder

Dorothy Livaditis (1978)
Lecturer in Business Law
B.A., Dickinson College
J.D., Temple School of Law

Laura Logan (1990)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., University of South Florida
M.A., Millersville University

Mary Loyer (2018)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.M., Bucknell University
B.S., Pennsylvania State University
M.S., Wilkes University
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Benjamin R. Lucia (2017)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Pennsylvania State University

Michelle Ludwig (2012)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., California University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Ed.D, Shippensburg University

Tyler MacPherson (2016)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Allison Maloney (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Bloomsburg University
M.S.N., College of Minnesota
Ph.D., Capella University

Kelli Masters (2013)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N, Duquesne University
D.N.P., York College of Pennsylvania

Kelley Mathias (2017)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Millersville University

Carolyn F. Mathur (1977)
Lecturer, Biology
B.A., Millersville University
Ph.D., Auburn University

Todd McClimans (2019)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
M.A., Wilkes University
M.S., University of Phoenix

Robert M. McConaghy (2008)
Student Teaching Supervisor in Education
B.S., M.Ed., Millersville State College
Ed.D., Temple University

Katie M. McLaughlin (2017)
Lecturer in Human Services
B.A., Lebanon Valley College
M.S., Towson University

Rod L. Meckley (2006)
Lecturer in Music and Percussion
B.S., West Chester University
M.S., Towson University

Daniel Meyer (2019)
Lecturer in Music
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Melanie Miller  (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

M.S.N., Walden University

Morris Miller (2009)
Lecturer in Engineering
M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Natalie Miller (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Madeline Mirasol (2008)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Norfolk State University
M.A., Old Dominion University
Ph.D., Syracuse University

John S. Monk, Jr. (1995)
Lecturer in Biology
B.A., Middlebury College
M.D., Jefferson Medical College

Ashley Moog-Bowlsbey (2018)
Lecturer in Art
B.F.A., Pennsylvania College of Art and Design
M.F.A., Indiana University Bloomington

Robert Moreland (1984)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., Elizabeth College
M.S., Shippensburg University

Timothy Mowrer (2016)
Lecturer, Sport Management
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Millersville University
Ed.D., Candidate, United States Sports Academy

Jeffrey S. Mummert (2001)
Lecturer in History
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Millersville University

Kristen Murphy (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
B.S.N., Villanova University

Thomas G. Murphy (2006)
Lecturer in Finance
B.A., LaSalle University
M.B.A., Wilmington College

Jennifer Muston (2008)
B.A., University of Baltimore County
M.Ed., Goucher College

Kirstin H. Myers (2000)
Lecturer in Music and Double Reeds
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.M., Michigan State University

Carol Naugle (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Barton College

Robert Negherbon (2009)
Lecturer in Forensic Science
B.S., St. Francis University
M.S., Thomas Jefferson University

Kirk A. Nelson
Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
B.S., M.S., University of Buffalo

Christine Nentwig (2016)
Lecturer in Human Resources
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
J.D., University of Maryland
M.B.A., Northwestern University

Jay S. Noble (2006)
Lecturer in Art
B.A., Anderson University
M.F.A., American University

Matthew R. O’Brien (2008)
Lecturer in Sport Management
B.A., Drake University

Roy E. O’Brien (2012)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.A., M.Ed., Widener University

Robert O’Connell (1996)
Lecturer in Statistics
B.A., Eastern Illinois University
M.B.A., Ashland University
Ph.D., University of Phoenix

Roger Orndorff (2016)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., Shippensburg University
M.Ed., Western Maryland College

John C. Orwig (1978)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., Juniata College

Julie Page (2020)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Eastern Mennonite University

Kenneth P. Painter (2013)
Lecturer, Hospitality Management
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University

Brandon Parkyn (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Bloomsburg University
M.S.N., Walden University

Anna Parlett-Bickford (2018)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.A., Dickinson College
M.Ed., Johns Hopkins University
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Deloris Penn (2019)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., Millersville University
M.S., Western Maryland College

Ute V. Perkins (2010)
Lecturer in Engineering
B.S., Austin Peay University
M.B.A., Eastern University

Samantha Petersen (2017)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.P.H., Aracadia University

Megan E.B. Poff (2012)
Lecturer in Music and Voice
B.A., Mars Hill College
M.M.P., Lee University

Kaitlyn Proschold (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Marymount University
M.S.N., University of Florida

Liana Prosonic (2020)
Lecturer, Accounting
B.S., Lemoyne College
M.B.A., Utica College

John Protopapas (2001)
Lecturer in Music
B.M., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India

Jill Ramirez (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Capella University

Loye Lynn Ray (2014)
Lecturer in Computer Science
M.B.A., Embry Riddle University
Ph.D., Colorado Technical University

Vincent Reedy (2016)
Lecturer in Art
A.A. & B.A., Art Institute of Pittsburgh

Brian Reinking (2020)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., St. Francis University
M.A., Millersville University

Cynthia Renehan (2009)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., Millersville University
M.Ed., Western Maryland College
Ph.D., Temple University

Kaitlyn Rhodes (2019)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., Shippensburg University
M.Ed., Cabrini University

Davonna Rickard (2017)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
B.S., M.Ed., Millersville University

George R. Robinson (2006)
Medical Director, Respiratory Care
B.S., B.A., M.D., West Virginia University

Sarah Rodenburgh (2017)
Lecturer in Education
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Melanie M. Rodgers (1999)
Adjunct Professor, Art
A.A., York Academy of Arts
M.A., M.F.A., Maryland Institute, College of Art

Christopher Rodkey (2014)
Lecturer in Philosophy
B.A., St. Vincent College
M.Div., University of Chicago
D.Min., Meadville Lombard Theological School
M.Phil., Ph.D., Drew University

Heather M. Rohrer (2017)
Lecturer in Psychology and Human Services
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., McDaniel College

Wendy Rose (2008)
Lecturer in Behavioral Sciences/Mathematics
B.S., Clarion University of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Millersville University

Corinna Rosenzweig (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., The Pennsylvania State University

Thomas Rowan (2019)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.A., Bloomsburg University
M.S., Slippery Rock University

Candace Ruppert (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N, Wester Governor’s University

Hazem Salem (2014)
Lecturer in Political Science
B.A., American University of Beirut
M.A., Ph.D., University of Denver

Judith Samsel (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Wilkes University
M.S.N., Villanova University

James Sanford (2014)
Lecturer in Decision Sciences
A.S., York College of Pennsylvania
B.S., Albright College
M.S., Villa Julie College

Ren Schaeffer (2021)
Lecturer in Philosophy
B.A. Ursinus College
M.A. University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles

Susan Schrack Wood (2019)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Syracuse University
M.S., Towson University
M.H.S., Johns Hopkins University

Katie A. Schwienteck (2014)
Lecturer in Communication
B.S., Millersville University
M.A., Notre Dame of Maryland University

Jessica See (2019)
Lecturer in Writing
B.S., M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
B.A., Millersville University
M.S., American Public University System

Amy Seitz Cooley (2011)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., M.S., York College of Pennsylvania
D.N.P., York College of Pennsylvania

Laura M. Sharp (2019)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.A., Elizabethtown College
M.A., Towson University
Psy., D., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Mary Shenberger (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing 
B.S.N., Millersville University 

Gary Sigel (2004)
Lecturer in Chemistry
M.S., Western Washington University
Ph.D., University of California

Leah Simoncini (2014)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., The Pennsylvania State University

Barbara Simonton (2016)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., Penn State
M.S., Millersville University

Kenneth Slaysman (2020)
Lecturer in Economics
B.S., University of Maryland Baltimore County
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Emily Smith (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Aspen University

Joshua A. Snyder (2013)
Lecturer in Political Science
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., Mercyhurst University

Erik Sproghe (2014)
Lecturer in Psychology
B.A., Trinity University
M.A., Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Jeffrey S. Stabley (2003)
Lecturer in Music and Jazz
B.M., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Karen Stabley (2004)
Lecturer in Art and Art Therapy
B.F.A., Rutgers University
M.A., Hahnemann University

Linda Stager (2007)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.A., University of Delaware
M.S., Western Maryland College

Bryan Stambaugh (2014)
Lecturer in Management
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.B.A., Mount St. Mary’s University
Ph.D., University of Management and Technology

Elizabeth Stambaugh (2018)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University

Julie Staub (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Thomas Jefferson University

Michael A. Staub (2002)
Lecturer in Criminal Justice
B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
M.S., Shippensburg University

Matthew Stephens (2015)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., Saint Francis University PA
M.D., Penn State Milton S. Hershey College of Medicine

Gregory Stoutenburg (2017)
Adjunct Professor, Philosophy
B.A., Moody Bible Institute
M.A., Boston University
Ph.D., University of Iowa

Cynthia Swartz (2018)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., M.S., D.N.P., York College of Pennsylvania

Erin Talley (2021)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Western Governor’s University

Barbara Taylor (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., University of Maryland at Baltimore

Janis Taylor (2001)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S.N., Widener University
D.N.P., Robert Morris University

Tammy Taylor (2004)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., University of Baltimore
M.A., Salisbury State University

Cheryl W. Thompson (2001)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Bloomsburg State College
M.S.N., Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales
D.N.P., Case Western Reserve University

Mary K. Todenhoft (1995)
Lecturer in Art
B.F.A., Radford University
M.F.A., The Pennsylvania State University

Sandy Tompkins (2016)
Lecturer in Health Care Management
B.S.N., Thomas Jefferson University
B.S., Juniata College
M.B.A., York College of Pennsylvania

Kelsey Treml Poole (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

Jill Trimmer (2017)
Lecturer in Education
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M. Ed., Temple University

Paul F. Vigna (2013)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., Temple University

Samuel Waddel (2007)
Lecturer in Writing
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.A., Towson University

Andrew Walker (2017)
Lecturer in Art Education
B.A., M.A., Millersville University
M.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design

Amy S. Wallace (2017)
Lecturer in Psychology and Sociology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Arizona State University

Sue Ward (2017)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Towson University
M.S., Loyola College

Steven Warren (2017)
Lecturer in Human Services
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Kent State University

Thomas Weaver (1999)
Lecturer in Political Science
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.P.A., Shippensburg University

Kaylee Weigle (2022)
Lecturer in Public Relations
B.A., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., West Virginia University

Tracey R. Weller (2020)
Student Teacher Supervisor of Education
M.S., Millersville University

Connie L. Werner (1981)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.S., Towson State University

Kirk G. White (2004)
Lecturer in Geography
B.A., Millersville University
M.A., University of Kansas

Ashton L. Whitmoyer (2019)
Lecturer in Sociology
B.A., East Carolina University
M.A., The Pennsylvania University

Eleanor J. Williams (2016)
Lecturer in Recreation Leadership and Psychology
A.S., Bradley Academy for the Visual Arts
B.S., La Roche College
M.S., Shippensburg University

Mark Williams (2017)
Lecturer in Math
B.S., Memphis State University
M.S., University of Tennessee

Matthew E. Williams (1994)
Lecturer in Chemistry
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.S., Shippensburg University

Jennifer Wilt (2013)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania
M.Ed., Wilkes University

Devin Winand (2019)
Lecturer in Physical Activity & Wellness
B.S., Pennsylvania State University

Michele A. Wood (2000)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S., Hood College
M.S., The Johns Hopkins University

Charlene Wyrick (2002)
Lecturer in Physics
B.S., Wilkes University
M.A., University of Virginia

Janice Xu (2022)
Lecturer in Integrated Marketing Communication
B.A., Sichuan University
LL. M., Peking University
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ilya Yakovlev (2016)
Lecturer in Information Technology Management
B.S., University of Wisconsin Superior
M.S., Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University

Jim Yashur (2018)
Lecturer in Writing
B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
M.Ed., Cabrini University

Randy Yoder (2012)
Lecturer in Piano
B.S., Susquehanna University
M.M., Westminster Choir College
Jazz Studies at Berkelee College of Music

Gretchen Young (2011)
Lecturer in Biology
B.S., Millersville University
M.S., The Pennsylvania State University

Rachael Young (2022)
Lecturer in Nursing
B.S.N., Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
M.S.N., Western Governor’s University

Robert D. Zeigler (2007)
Lecturer in Physical Activity and Wellness
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania

LeeAnn Zeroth (2018)
Lecturer in Education/Student Teaching in Education
B.S., Edinboro University
M.A., George Washington University
Ed.D., Immaculata University

Benjamin J. Zile (2011)
Lecturer in Engineering/Mathematics
B.S., M.S., The Pennsylvania State University

Emily Zimmerman (2019)
Lecturer in Nursing
A.D.N., Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
B.S.N., M.S.N., University of Texas at Arlington

Barbara Zmolek (2006)
Lecturer in Mathematics
B.S., Shippensburg State
M.A., Ball State University

Mark Zortman (2017)
Lecturer in Theatre
B.S., M.M., West Chester University